Yo, yo, yo! Have you ever wondered how all the DIY bloggers handle the mess of projects in their houses all the time? I’ve wondered the same thing myself because I know how MESSY our house gets during projects. I honestly CANNOT handle it at times. Plus, doing projects with kids around is near impossible. Especially with a 2-year-old running around. In fact, most projects happen when he’s playing at a friend’s house, during naptime, or after the kiddos are in bed these days. Plus, it gives me major Mom guilt if I’m doing a project during the day. I really try hard not to do that.
Creedy {the above mentioned 2-year-old} has a new found LOVE for paint. It’s no bueno.
We completed most of the entryway makeover at night, but I made the mistake of leaving the wet paint rollers in the garage. I had stuck them in plastic bags so that they would stay nice and wet. I’m. an. idiot. In 30 seconds, paint. was. everywhere. I am so lucky we had a drop cloth on the floor or our carpet would be ruined.
In my defense, he was at a neighbor’s house playing and I ran a quick errand, and in the mean time the kids came home. I was back from my errand quickly, but the damage was already done.

This kid is a whole new level of sneaky. In fact, as embarrassed as I am about this, he got into the paint AGAIN today. What the heck is wrong with me!?!? I lose sight of him for 30 seconds and this is what happens….
Thank goodness for Bounty paper towels. I use them like it’s going out of style.
Don’t worry, the baby door knob lock is back on the door. I learned my lesson and hopefully this won’t happen again.

The good news!?! I get to give one of you lucky duckies a $250 Home Depot Gift Card and 2 rolls of Bounty paper towels for participating in the #BountyChallenge. Who wants to win!?!?
How to enter, you ask!?! All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what you would use your prize for! Ready. Set. Enter! I will announce the winner on Saturday the 6th of July.
Thank you to Bounty for providing the prize.
Giveaway is now closed: Winner’s information is provided below:
I am a teacher and I spend A LOT of my own money in supplies for school. This gift card would he a HUGE help for the upcoming school year and all I the projects I have planned for my kindergarteners!!! A couple rolls o bounty would he a HUGE blessing as kinders make big messes and all the school paper towels do is smear it around! No absorbency at all!