I’ll be the first to admit that our master bedroom takes the backseat compared to the rest of the house when it comes to cleaning and clutter pick up. I wish it wasn’t so, but my bedroom tends to be the place that all the clean laundry ends up after it comes out of the drier. {Sometimes that’s 10 loads of laundry, folks.} With four involved kids, we have a lot of laundry around here. Laundry is my nemesis. But, how our bedroom got to be “the place” for it is beyond me. I kept the door shut 90% of the time because it was so cluttered, messy, and kinda gross.
For several months now I’ve felt like my master bedroom needed to be reclaimed, but while I was doing the SNAP project, I didn’t have time to give it the attention it needed.
It bothered me that my room was no longer a refuge for Dan and I. It started becoming the “catch all” room in our home. I am NOT ok with that. Please tell me I’m not alone, though. I’m not the only one that loses control, am I!?!
I am pleased to announce that I have regained possession of my own room. {High fives all around.}
I’m calling this post The Master Bedroom “Refresh” because all it needed was 24 hours of attention, a good scrub with my trusty P&G products {sign up here to recieve digital coupons}, and a few new items to make it feel fresh and new.
After I got rid of the clutter, I put my kids to work to freshen up the space.
Oaklyn {my oldest} went to town on all the scuff marks on the doors and baseboards with the Mr Clean® magic eraser.
And Creed {my youngest} had a BLAST with the Swiffer® Wet Jet. {Click here to get a $7 off digital coupon!} Take my advice, your 5 year old will use every drop of your Swiffer® Wet Jet solution if you walk out of the room {I may be speaking from experience here}. So you may need to observe your kids closely with this one.
Next, I found new pillows {oh happy day pillow, blush pillow} for the navy blue couch, and kicked all of the laundry out the room so I could actually enjoy her beauty.
I got a new plant from The Home Depot, and it makes me happy when I look at it! Plus I keep thinking that the more plants I have in my house the better since they help clean the air. {Shhhhh, it’s my justification for buying more plants, just go with it}.
You have to admit, the plant is pretty fabulous. Time will tell if I can keep it alive. I bought the gold accent table that the plant is sitting on at Target or $22 on clearance!
Our masculine DIY wingback headboard is still going strong, so all I did with my bed is buy a few pillow covers{pink, navy stripes} at IKEA for my already existing pillows and this yellow striped pillow at Target.
But, let’s be honest, the main star of the room is this AMAZING rug from Lulu and Georgia. I got it on sale a few months ago, and I could not WAIT to finally place it in the room.
The curtains are actually Lauren Conrad shower curtains from Kohls, and I swear I could hear angels singing when I found them! They were EXACTLY what I was envisioning. They are the perfect floral goodness that I wanted.
We built this shelf with pine and plumbing pipes and flanges from The Home Depot for less than $100. We painted the pipes Tuscan Sun spray paint from Rust-Oleum.
The decoration accessories were from Target {ram head book ends}, HomeGoods, old books and decor from Deseret Industries, and the gold terrarium is from JoAnn.
Somehow the DIY TV frame looks so much better with the new decor! It was like it was fate!
After we moved in the new rug and accessories, it was time to give the room a good fresh smell. Thanks to my trusty Febreze®, the room now smells nice and fresh! Plus don’t forget to wash your windows with my trusty homemade window washing solution: {hot water, Dawn® dish soap, Bounty® paper towels, and a splash of vinegar for full recipe click HERE.}
Everything feels so much better now. I can’t believe my bedroom looked like this {below} only 24 hours ago. Look at all of that dust and grime!! YUCK.
I’m thrilled with my fresh new master bedroom refuge, and I’m so glad I refreshed it this Spring!

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of P&G, The Home Depot. The opinions and text are all mine.