Being the primary chorister was my husband’s favorite assignment in our church. That means that every Sunday he got to spend time singing songs with the kids who are 11 years old and younger. He was definitely the most popular guy in the halls with the kiddos. He misses them since he isn’t the chorister anymore. {He got called to be the executive secretary}. He subbed in primary this week, so we couldn’t resist bringing back the game “Pin the nose on the pumpkin.”
Items needed:
Blind fold {we forgot ours, so we used a little girl’s cardigan. It worked perfectly.}
Before he entered singing time, he slipped into his pumpkin attire. He put it right over the top of his shirt and tie.
We taped on a big black mouth and two eyes {with double stick tape} making sure to leave an extra large spot in the middle for the kids to pin the noses to. {Beware, don’t put the mouth too low or the kids will try and pin the nose in an inappropriate place} 🙂
Place the noses on the board with magnets and either label them with specific songs you are working on, or let each child volunteer to choose their favorite song to sing.
Pick a volunteer and ask them to choose a nose from the board. After they have chosen a nose, place a piece of double stick tape on the back and hand it to the child. Place a blindfold over their head and spin them around a few times.
The pumpkin looked completely different with every nose! We had triangle noses, a round nose, a square nose, a pig-like nose, and more.
My personal favorite is the pig nose.
If you need more ideas, check out some ideas below: Check out more great ideas by following our Instagram page:
Here are a few other ideas: Easter Egg made out of foam,

Then, the Christmas tree was fun for the kids to learn the “real” meaning of Christmas.
If you are a primary chorister, you hold a special place in our hearts.
Brooke and Dan