I spent the weekend at the local Parade of Homes, and out of 28 homes, only a few utilized a significant amount of color in the decor. I know that color is something that can be terrifying. I get it. I know that it’s hard to balance. But, don’t be afraid to add some color into your home! After walking through 12 ALL NEUTRAL homes this weekend, I wanted to SCREAM “ADD A PILLOW WITH SOME COLOR PEOPLE!”
Thank you Ivory Homes for using color! I mean, look at that lamp. Doesn’t it just bring a smile to your face?
So, to make my point, check out a few of my favorite hoarded girls’ bedroom pictures that use color in genius ways. Kids’ bedrooms are the perfect place to go hog-wild with color. They are safer and can handle more color than main living areas in my opinion.
To see more pictures of each room, click on the links below each picture and it will take you to the original source for more details and more pictures.
White Girls’ Bedroom with colorful accents
Pink Girl’s Stunning Headboard
Peach and Green with touches of Brass
Colorful Gallery Wall by Pretty Providence
Patterned Headboards in this beautiful colorful bedroom
Colorful modern mural in this bedroom from Home Polish
Floral Peach and Mint Dream Girls Room Retreat by Honey We’re Home
Pink Gold and White makeover by Fancy Farm Girls
Classy Clutter’s Whimsical Bedroom
Chic Boho Colorful Girls Bedroom
Coral Girls Room Makeover by the Fancy Farmgirls

Each and every one of these room are so darn cute and have a TON of color. So don’t be afraid. Spread color around like happiness!
Love all of these rooms!!!
I’m a girl who LOVES color too!