15 Must Have Back to School Items

I can’t even believe I just wrote that title. Uhhh, what? “Back to School”? {gag}

We start on August 14th and as hard as it is to believe it is already here, I must admit I’m counting down the days, super excited… jk. Let’s just say my patience is getting less and less! But I do love having them around more… at least I did back in June! I kid. 😉  

But in all seriousness wanna know what my favorite part about back to school is: THE SUPPLIES! Anyone else love them as much as me? I could peruse those aisles for hours! {que all the heart eyes!} But since I can’t walk the aisles of Target with you, I thought I would share some of my Amazon favs/must haves! 

91FG-bpUh2L._SL1500_Back to School Supply Kit 

This would make such a great “Welcome Back” gift for teachers! And it’s on sale!


71+u-ZR8IeL._SL1500_Basic 3-ring Binders

If you have more than one kiddo in school like me, then you know you need tons of binders!


71zx7N6MV4L._SL1500_Post-it Flag + Ballpoint Pen and Highlighter 

These pen/highlighters are kinda genius! And hello post-its! 



Dixon Ticonderoga #2 Pencils

I used to think that all pencils were created equal until I used these ones… they are THE best! I’ll never go back now! Ha! 


71XE-CmanVL._SL1500_30 ct Elmer’s All-Purpose Glue Sticks

Buy one of these boxes and you’re covered for the year! 



Packit Freezeable Bento Box Set 

This lunch box is a little more expensive BUT I have heard nothing but good about this brand and once you had it, it would probably last you a while!



School Back Pack Set

This backpack set is adorable plus they have lots of other colors too! 



5 pack Flash Drive Memory Stick 

Are your kids required to provide their own flash drives like mine? Here is a 5 pk of different colors! They each get their own and no one 



51pVw6rG8ML._SL1100_Digital Alarm Click with Snooze 

We make our kids turn in their tablets every night so an alarm clock is definitely necessary! This one is pretty basic but will do the job perfectly!!


4 Pocket Wall Organizer

If you are anything like me, you HAVE to have a place for school papers! I seriously use mine alllll year long! 


71Y4rDuenHL._SL1000_Organizer Caddy

Apparently I am all about making things organized this year because I want to put together a little homework station. Pencils, erasers, crayons… all in one place! Kinda like this one.


81HxdOwlVJL._SL1500_July 2017 – June 2018 Wall Calendar 

Another thing I can’t live without is my HUGE year wall calendar! I love that I can see my whole year planned out! Holidays, when school is out, football games. It’s really the best! 


91QXDfrnd4L._SL1500_Dry Food Dispenser 

Have big kiddos that leave suuuuper early or little ones that like to be independent? How awesome is this cereal dispenser? I don’t have one but I might have one in my shopping cart…  


71VLjCSvOqL._SL1500_Hands Free Toothpaste Dispenser + Toothbrush Holder

Ok and last but not least and you can’t make fun…  but just think about how much more smooth your mornings would be! No more toothpaste all over the sink, no more losing the tube, no more squeezing from the middle! I mean, if you don’t believe me, just read the 400+ reviews! Plus it’s only $13. So what do you have to lose?? 😉 Except NOT your sanity any more. Ha! 

Well, there you have it friends! Just a few of some great school necessity! I think I will do my official shopping next week so wish me luck! 😉 

Happy Thursday! 

xo – Jo

back to school items


This post does contain affiliate links… Which helps us buy more diet coke which helps us work more to bring you awesome posts! 😉 

Published on July 20, 2017

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