I love pinning, and Pinterest rocks my world, but before I ever post about anything that I pin, I vowed {to myself} to MAKE the recipe first, TRY the sewing technique, and TEST the technique before I share it with me readers. I donโt want you to ever try something and think, MAN THAT cookie is DIS-GUSTING and BROOKE TOLD ME TO MAKE IT!! Ha ha. So, just know that I will never do that to you, kapeesh!?!?
With that said, do you want to know what has CHANGED my life from PINTEREST lately!?!? ๐

Well one day I was venting to my sister Adrian about how LAME I am at doing laundry and how I CAN NEVER get stains out. We were chatting about fels naptha, zout, and thoro. Well, all of the sudden she stops me and says, โI have the PERFECT solution that I promise will work.โ I bow to her now. Iโm pretty stubborn and donโt normally stop talking, but I knew I could trust her on this. Sheโs super duper awesome.
She explained the solution and I found it on Pinterest. The original source comes from Modern Day Moms, and I will forever be grateful. I was warned by the sis to ONLY use original blue dawn, and I have never used otherwise, so just know that if you stray from the recipe, I cannot guarantee the results. BUT, if you TRUST meโฆmake it perfectly, and I promise you wonโt be sorry.
Head over to Modern Day Moms for the stain removal recipe, believe me it is super duper simple and you wonโt regret it.
You can use it on all colors too {not just white}. I have refilled my spray bottle three times since this amazing homemade stain removal solution came into my life. ๐ It truly has made my life easier, and when I find something life changing, I cannot help but share it with YOU!! ๐
Equal parts Dawn dish soap, vinegar, and water also works well for grass stains. Better than any other stain remover I've ever bought.
This didn’t work at all for me and I was only trying to get rid of old groul stains… Did I not add enough dawn dish soap maybe?
Its possible, or maybe your hydrogen peroxide was old. Make sure you are using a new bottle. It makes a difference.
It won’t work if you don’t put this mixture In a dark spray bottle. The Hydrogen Peroxide is in a dark bottle for a reason. Sunlight breaks apart the atoms and makes it water, so make sure you use a dark colored spray bottle or it won’t work!
So good to know! Thank you for sharing!!
I have been trying for 2 days to get my dawn and peroxide to mix. I can only shake the bottle a few times and it is too sudsy to mix completely. It is in a dark bottle and the measurements were correct. I didn’t have this problem last time(which was my first time and it worked great). What could I be doing wrong and how do I fix the problem?
Weird! Is the dawn and hydrogen peroxide new? Maybe they are old.
It does not break apart the atoms (the smallest unit of all matter). Sunlight and carbon dioxide (leaking into old bottles) destabilizes the molecular bonds between H2O2 (hydorgen perioxide) and break the BONDS between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to form water (H20) and O2. Over time, an old bottle of hydrogen peroxide become neutral water and oxygen.
I’m sorry for this clarification. But you gotta know the correct science so we don’t get fooled by the next new pseudo science like healing magnets or the next only X food diet.
Wow you are smart. ๐
Thank you
My recipe calls for peroxide, dawn & baking soda. Haven’t had a stain not come out. I put some on the stain and use an old toothbrush to work it in, rubbing each direction. Good luck.
Could you tell me your measurements for this formula with the baking soda, I make my own laundry detergent, and would love to make a stain remover that works just as well. Thanks.
What do you use to make your own laundry detergent? And does it work good in cleaning your clothes?
Could I use this on a white fabric chair. The chair has no tags… so I don’t know what kind of fabric it is.
I would try it in a discreet place and see what happens.
Original Dawn rocks! I always have a bottle around for my itty bitty bottle fed foster puppies because it's safe to use to kill fleas.
Also, if you have grease stains on your clothing (chapstick or food grease/oil), rub original Dawn into the stain then rinse and wash as usual. No more grease stain! One of my husband's work projects involves a solution of vegetable oil and it's messy. Some of his field shirts look so clean now! ๐
How do you use dawn to get rid of flees
i use dawn as i’m combing my cat – just have warm water, flea comb and dawn. warm water only cause cold would be a shock to kitty – hope this helps! – – – they die pretty quickly. just stay on top of them….i’m very allergic (bites) and this has save me and my Moxie ๐ spread the word to your friends
I just wash my dog with dawn instead of dog shampoo and it has worked perfectly! A vet suggested to try it and my dog is flea free and has no skin issues.
How often do you have to bath your dog to keep fleas off?
Murphy Oil Soap works too, I think it is more gentle than dawn…but they kill fleas.
How do you use the murphys oil soap? I have 3 dogs and 2 cats and my oldest dog looks like he has leukemia because he is allergic to fleas and I am at my witts end trying to get rid of them. I use dawn but now i think they are looseing their hair because f the harness and dryness from the dawn
How do you use the murphys oil soap? I have 3 dogs and 2 cats and my oldest dog looks like he has leukemia because he is allergic to fleas and I am at my witts end trying to get rid of them. I use dawn but now i think they are looseing their hair because f the harness and dryness from the dawn
I have used Lemon JOY and Dawn as Flea Shampoo n dogs and cats for years. Fleas immediately die.
ALWAYS follow a flea bath with a skin soothing shampoo like oatmeal, at the same bath !
1 TBL of JOY to a Quart of water in a spray bottle – spray/misted on the entire carpet kills fleas.
Spray, let dry, vacuum.
THEN, spray the perimeter walls of the room, 12″ from floor. Just let it sit.
REPEAT both steps every 7 days. (Because eggs keep hatching)
Vacuum your rugs.
Sprinkle Borax OR Boric Acid all over the surface liberally.
Broom the powder into the carpet.
Do NOT vacuum for 1 week.
1 TBL of JOY to a Quart of water in a spray bottle – sprayed on patio screens KILLS and REPELS spiders in their webs. Repeat after each rain.
I have a Himilayan cat that had the same problen. She lost most of her hair, had sores and scratched all the time. Vet gave her shots twice. They helped but I don’t want to put that poison in my Baby. Went to Petco (Petsmart has it too). Got Greeniesss Smartbites Healthy Skin and Fur. Problem solved. Her hair is so thick now I dread Summer shedding. Hope this helps.
If you think your dog is allergic to fleas, you can give him Benadryl once a day! Our cat is allergic to fleas & scratches her hair off all over the place too! I read somewhere to try it & I did & it works! It works so good that I only have to give it to her once a week, but a dog might be different not sure. All you do is google it & the weight of your dog & you will get responses as to how much to give him/her. Just google the murphy’s soap too. I love the internet! lol
My dog is allergic to fleas too! I just recently started him on comfortis it seems to work great!
Does it matter how old the stain is
I used it on a very old stain, and it helped dim it significantly!
I worked in a warehouse and got grease spots from boxes of freight and I saved many shirts using Dawn! I also soaked my son’s uniform shirts from the fast food restaurant in sudsy water before washing them and it also got out the used grease smell too!
Thanks for sharing your good find… so excited to try this!
I've seen it, but overlooked it quite a few times. But you have inspired me to just do it! Thanks!
Love me some Original Blue Dawn ๐
I saw this on pinterest also, except it said to add baking soda, which I did. The results were disastrously funny. I put it in a sealed container and when I went to switch my loads of laundry there was water all over my washer. Took me a while to realize the pressure in the container had made the top explode and go everywhere. I will definitely leave out the baking soda this time!
Ha! Good to know!
I will have to try this. My boys play baseball also and I have been using Murphy's oil ( YES) on their pants. Just spray on and wash and it works great but this will definitely be cheaper.
Thank you again!!!
Thank you! So trying this!!
I recently heard of this stain remover too…the one I hear also has white vinegar.
Try the dawn and hot vinegar solution from pinterest in your shower. I left it for several hours and it was amazing, my shower sparkled like new.
I need to try this solution on some of my kids clothes! Thanks for the heads up!
Easy fix for soap scum on the glass doors of your tub or shower, also on shinny tile enclosures, – just buy a standard Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol ( I prefer 70%). Unscrew the lid, screw on pretty much any standard spray attachment from an old, doesn’t work shower cleaner. Screw tight aim and spray. Watch the soap scum run down the glass doors or tile, if really dirty repeat and with a quick rinse it is sparkling clean (oh yeah – rinse with straight HOT water). Doesn’t hurt anything, disinfects, inexpensive, and if you do it a couple of times a week within 4 weeks your tub/shower will stay shinny even between cleanings.
As a Mom of three boys? Love this! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you SO MUCH for posting this. I had pinned this forever ago, but hadn't done much about it. Your story about the baseball pants SOLD me and I whipped this up last night. I've already successfully tackled red wine, spaghetti sauce (that when sprayed and washed the same night didn't come out!), strawberries (a stain I let sit for 3 days out of laziness) and some "unknown, been there forever" carpet stains. Wow, I'm soooo excited! Thanks for nudging me in the right direction. <3
I think what works is mostly the peroxide, not the dawn liquid. I've tried a paste of peroxide + baking soda and it also gets tough stains out, but you have to be careful with this things because peroxide is tough on most fabrics.
The “peroxide” is exactly the thing that is also marketed as “Non-Chlorine” bleach!
do you think we could us enaother wash dish cleaner? I live in France and we don’t have this brand here.
Yes! Try it!
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I'm so excited to try this out! Thanks for pointing me towards the recipe.
I just found a video of a youtuber doing this treatment… It actually works! Here’s the link in case anyone doesn’t believe that THIS FORMULA WORKS!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUwdv4QEhTY
Would this maybe be good for carpet stains? Or is the hydrogen too harsh? Also, I’m afraid of the potential bleaching effect. Anyone tried it on carpet? Or have a better homemade solution for carpet stains? (Not pet … so just focused on stain and not odor)
Hi Courtney, did anyone answer you about the carpet stains? and if yes on how to apply it? That is what I am most interested in
Yes, I have used it for years on my carpet. I have use it to clean up dog accidents, grease stains tracked in on my husband’s shoes from work and blood stains from a squirrel that managed to get in my house and then bled on the carpet after he broke a window trying to get back out. My carpet is white so if you have a colored carpet, I would test it for color fastness before apply this to your stain.
what is the percentage on the bottle of peroxide that everyone is using cause I tried this 2 times on various items and various stains and it diden’t do 1 thing to it my peroxide is 3%
Mine is also 3%. I wonder if your products were old? I LOVE this stain remover. It works great for me. Maybe buy new products and try it one more time before you give up.
they were new that I had bought just to try this out with and it diden’t work better than store bought what is the exact amount of everything you use? and how long do you usually leave it on for I tried 1 hour and then about 130 but still not much of a difference
I use 1-cup of Blue Dawn dishwashing soap, 1-cup white vinegar, 1- cup Club Soda. Works like a charm.
Just wondering does anyone else have issue with the spray? One, it doesn’t take out the stains on my children clothing, which is your typical kids stuff, dirt, grass, tea, etc. Secondly, when I spray it, no matter which type of bottle I use, there is a mist of crap released into the air that gives me horrible coughing fits. I have to quite literally hold my breath while using it….though as soon as I”ve used up the batch I made, I’ll have to find something that actually works.
Will try this on my son’s baseball pants. Vinegar, water and blue Dawn. What temp should the water be?
But wouldn’t hot water set the stain?
I’ve been using this for awhile. But I do 4 parts peroxide to 1 part soap. It works really well on laundry stains – all the random stuff DD gets in to.
One of my favorite snacks is feta cheese, grape tomatoes, and balsamic vinegar, however when the lid of my Tupperware came off in my car and my favorite snack spilled all over my light grey interior of my barely one month old Honda civic I almost cried! However, the Dawn dish soap and Hydrogen Peroxide got the stain right out!! Definitely telling all my friends about this!
you can watch most other youtube videos. most of them i counted say for carpet cleaning are 1 tablespoon dawn dish soap and 1 tablespoon baking soda to a gallon of water for those worried of fading color off carpet. a vast majority of videos call for oxyclean 1 tablespoon with 1 tablespoon dawn dish soap with 1 gallon of water.
Why do i have to go on Pinterest? Why don’t you just share it here? I prefer not going on Pinterest.
Hi Deeb,
It isn’t my original recipe. So, to be fair to the blogger where I got the recipe, I link to that post. You actually don’t have to go to Pinterest, just head over to the blog that I linked to, and you will find the recipe.
Hello, I love thi site and I am still reading the first post. I’m just wondering is it ok to spray blue dawn on a white shirt. I. Assuming it is fine because they use dawn to remove oil fro animals when there’s a spill. But I was just wondering if shine had any thoughts. PS. I was also going to suggest taking a sprayer from an old bottle and putting it on hydrogen peroxide bottle. If you cannot find one with a short sucking straw just cut the straw so it fits and reaches the bottom. There needs to be a mm of space to get the sprayer to suck the liquid. PS I’m sorry people don’t think to test out any solution before spraying it all over a garment. That’s like rule number 1.
Does this work on those pesky grease/oil stains that show up on my little guy’s clothes? I am using spray and wash now, but even then, I can’t see all the stains show up when they’ve come out of the dryer, :/. Spray and wash gets pricey and I am really working on incorporating all natural, diy cleaning supplies and laundry detergent in our home. Thanks for your help!
OK, sorry for what seemed like I was incoherent for a second!
I meant: I can’t see all the little stains until they show up after the garment’s come out of the dryer.
YES! I think it is definitely worth a try. I use this all the time, and it works wonders. Sometimes for super pesky stains it takes me washing and spraying it a few times for it to come out as well as I want it to though. So, try it again if you need to!
It is better not to put” previously” stained items in the dryer until you are sure the stain is out – that means just let it air dry. The dryer often (usually) sets stains.
I made this and then after filling my bottle it began expanding. When I took the top off it overflowed and continued to do so in the sink. This must be from the peroxide. Did I do something wrong??
Weird! I wonder if you are trying to put too much in bottle?
I have been using Blue Dawn, Vinegar and water for ever on everything. Works great on stainless steel, and in my shower, kitchen everywhere. I am going to try the Blue dawn and peroxide on Baseball pants and all other stains little boys tend to have. Thanks so much for posting this!!!
will this work on car grease stains, I wear khakis to work and got some grease off the van door on one of my pant legs..
I think it’s worth trying it!
Murphy’s Oil Soap gets out red dirt stains. My husband plays softball also, here in Hawaii. The red dirt is so potent there are shops that sell “Red Dirt Shirts”, that have been dyed with local red dirt.
I know it’s not homemade or necessarily cheap but something to keep in mind and perhaps experiment with since a little goes a long way.
I use Tide pretreatment for tough stains. I’ve tried everything else and it hasn’t worked. Oxy clean has but I’m allergic to it and it still doesn’t get some things out. The tide got BLOOD out of my carpet, red mud out of anything, you name it. I just don’t like the price for how much we use. For fleas we keep our dog and two indoor cats on frontline plus. There’s just too many things they can get other than fleas. Heartworm, mites, ticks, even your indoor pets. Saving the money isn’t worth making them sick and miserable in my opinion. I am going to try the dawn mixture to see if I can switch it up and stretch out my tide. Thanks for sharing ๐
This concoction RUINED an irreplaceable HD lined pullover. The beautiful black shirt now has lg gray splotches on it. No other black cotton shirt was affected, just the ‘good’ one. Even those had to be re-treated & re-washed more than once. Better off uusing SHOUT greasebuster can!!
This trick worked wonders!!! I thought my sliding pants were ruined, but this actually worked!!
My family has used these 2 ingredients for a few years and we would recommend them.
I see comments about using dark spray bottles, but I am surprised that nobody mentioned getting a sprayer that fit the hydrogen peroxide bottle. It worked for me!
Great idea!
Anyone ever try the on really old stains? Like vintage clothing with stains?
So how much of each do you put in bottle
BIZ powder is amazing with this mixture and borax too….. BIZ is great on old stains
I wish I knew about it when my kids were small. Its for organic matter………..better then anything. You can also make a paste and brush on with Original Dawn, peroxide and borax and in a bucket soak with some vinegar and water………………
Arm & Hammer Peroxiclean Whitening TOOTHPASTE for small stains
Baking Soda & Hot/Boiling Hot Water IN SLUDGE FORM slathered on (note: takes a couple buckets of water poured on to fully remove baking soda when there’s cups of it in play)
For oily stuff: Salt+Isopropyl Alcohol 70% (REAL salt, NaCl; spot test alcohol for color seepage; do NOT use pharmacy “Ethyl” Alcohol, that formula contains other solvents like acetone aka nail polish remover for some reason – likely to make it unpalatable/scary to drunkards seeking cheap spirits)… THEN follow with abpve baking soda/hot water sludge method
How much do you mixed together
I’ve been reading and reading and I can’t seem to find an answer to my dilemma so…I’ll just have to ask!! Does this solution work on grass stains???
It is nice to know that peroxide and Dawn will take out tough stains. Why don’t you give the proportions?
Since it wasn’t my original recipe, I wanted to make sure the proper credit was given! If you click the link I gave, it will take you right where you need to go! ๐ Hope this helps!
Did I miss the recipe?
To get the recipe, you need to click over to the other blog.
Nothing beats iron out,cold water tide and a five gallon bucket to soak for a day or two and never use hot water or a hot dryer.. My sons baseball pants come back whiter and brighter than new no matter how old.
Great to know!
I tried this and it didn’t work at all for me ๐ I’m trying to get red stains out of baseball pants too. Literally the entire pant is covered in red so I feel like it’s better to soak, but then the Dawn is WAY too sudsy and won’t come out before throwing in the wash. Both the Dawn and Hydrogen Peroxide are new. Any suggestions?
Ok if it’s not working, try Fels Naptha! That’s my number 2 go to!
I’ve used this recipe for years on merlot stains. It is the ONLY thing I’ve ever used that works on red wine. I don’t use Dawn, I use Palmolive dish detergent. Have even used liquid hand soap before.
I was myMaltese/ shihtzu dog with no tears baby shampoo and rinse her with warm water and vinegar. It’s wonderful for getting rid of fleas and keeps f
Her fur untangled and soft