This post and giveaway are sponsored by GE REVEAL®. All opinions are 100% my own.
Over the past three weeks, I have been racking my creativity to its core. It has been a blast, and I hope you are having fun following along. If you missed week 1, check out the Master Bedroom Ceiling project that just about put me in the looney bin #mathishard. Then, in week two we reupholstered our dining room chairs and doodled all over them. Only having $100 for each project has pushed me in a good way. I hope you like our third project!
For week three, I decided to dress up the most important room in our entire house, our great room. It was about time I dressed up those windows, right!?! Check out the process in Episode 3 below:

After dwelling on the idea for a few days, I decided to go for it, and I’m so glad I did. Pictures do not do these beauties justice. Watch the video above for the tutorial. I will also be doing a longer roman shade tutorial in a few days.
Look, you can still read “Lovely” when the shades are up.
The room feels done now <—and that is rare around here.
Look at the difference between incandescent light bulbs and GE reveal® light bulbs. I’ve been blown away at how the reveal® light seems to erase all of the dingy yellow in the room. It really makes the bright colors pop!
I know you want to try them yourself, right!?!
How to enter, you ask?
Comment below!
Hope you have a happy Wednesday.
P.S. Next week we are giving away $1,000 in Walmart gift cards and 10 more reveal® light prize packs, so don’t forget to come back next Wednesday too.