I am not a superstitious person. Well, I wasn’t until three days ago: Friday the 13th. We had a doozie of a Friday the 13th. It was one of those days that you just have to laugh because it just. kept. getting. worse.
Luckily no one was hurt, and no major costs were incurred. But, holy crapoly, it’s pretty crazy how some days just have a ripple affect, if you know what I mean.
Here’s how it went.
- I was running a step behind all morning. I knew I needed to get gas ASAP, but I had three meetings in the morning. So I didn’t have time to stop, and I knew I was going to be late if I stopped for gas. My daughter had a school concert, and I was not missing it! I walked in as they started singing the first song.
- I still knew I needed gas, but I THOUGHT I had carpool but I was mistaken. So I got out of my last meeting just in time to grab the girls from the school. Turns out I didn’t have carpool, and I’m just nutso sometimes, but because of this mistake, the extra three miles {round trip} to the school that I didn’t actually need to drive caused number three to happen.
- I ran out of gas. I thought, “I need to get gas, so why not take all the kids with me to the gas station to get a little Friday Fun Treat!?” Good idea in theory, right? I started running out of gas at a spot that I knew deep down we would never make it to the gas station. But, something inside yelled “CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!,” and I tried to coast all the way. It was a crazy plan, but it was an adventure, and hey, “Wouldn’t it be cool if we made it!?!” <—Silly thought that ACTUALLY ran through my mind. In my defense, we made it pretty far, I was lucky and made it onto the road that the gas station was on, but we quickly stopped while trying to climb the hill. If we could have made it over the top hump, we could have made it. {MAYBE}. I called Dan for help and he gave me a husband-like lecture. So, obviously I decided to take care of the problem without him.
- I called my friend Sheri to come to the rescue, and of course she dropped everything to come. {No lecture attached.} HAHA. I realized as she was on her way, and I DIDN’T HAVE MY WALLET. Luckily I caught her in time to stop at my house and grab my wallet. Phew. She quickly picked us up and took us to the gas station where I was going to buy a gas can full of gas. We ran into our friend Shawn at the gas station that told us he would grab some gas at his shop instead. I was grateful because in my husband’s lecture above, he told me how expensive gas cans are at gas stations. I grabbed a drink for each of us, and Sheri took us back to my car that was sitting like a sore thumb on a road that didn’t have enough shoulder to hold its width. Luckily I was smart enough to leave the hazard lights flashing in the car. Shawn came quickly with five gallons of gas. YAY! Disaster averted! We were all safe and sound. I headed straight to the gas station and filled my car to the brim with petroleum.
- Later that afternoon we hoped in the truck to go to the lake! We love this, and it’s our favorite family activity. We blew a tire on the way, but luckily it wasn’t a game changer. We actually only lost the tread. The tire was still holding air, and we made it safely.
- We got the boat on the water and idled out of the no wake zone. As soon as Dan sped up, I knew something was wrong with the boat. He immediately stopped and I could smell the engine burning. A light went on in Dan’s head and he realized we had forgotten to put the plug in the boat. Our boat was taking on water by the gallon and we were not in a good place. Dan had that plug back in place in .2 seconds. But we had already taken on a LOT of water. We turned the boat around and headed back to shore. Our bilge pump worked overtime, and within 10 minutes the boat was clear of the water it had taken on. YAY! Disaster Averted! We had a great time at the lake and stayed for over 3 hours.
We got home safely even though the tire was struggling. {Truth is, we blew a tire the other day too, and had already used our spare}. The likelihood of blowing another one was pretty low, we had thought. We were wrong, but it was ok. We made it home without the tire blowing all the way.
- My sister came and we were having a fun time talking about the crappy parts of my day. We love when she comes, and we were trying to convince her to stay over night. We finally convinced her to stay and we decided to run to Dairy Queen for a quick treat. The four adults piled in the car and we drove the 2 miles down the road to Dairy Queen. We ordered and drove up to the window. I turned and asked Dan for his wallet. He DIDN’T HAVE HIS WALLET! I didn’t have mine either, and neither did my sister or her husband. All four adults didn’t have a penny! We quickly left and told them we would return with a way to pay for our order! I was mortified. But we all laughed so hard we could hardly breath. It wasn’t surprising. I mean, the whole day had gone that way. Why would a simple trip to Dairy Queen be any different!!?! We quickly returned to the restaurant and paid for our order. The gal said it perfectly when we left, “Thank you for coming back!” HAHAHA.
We had an adventurous day, and everything took us 4 times the amount of time that it should have, but all in all, we were safe and sound.
Good riddance Friday the 13th!
Are you superstitious now?
I got into a fender bender on friday… great way to start the weekend!
I’m not superstitious either but it’s always been a good day for me.
But your post made me laugh. You kept so positive throughout everything that happened! So sorry it did happen but when things like that happen- at least it’s always a great story, right? 🙂
Glad you were all fine. You know as I read your post I was thinking, wow how lucky that they ran into Shawn. How lucky it wasn’t raining and the weather was good. How lucky that they were able to drive on that bald tire. And WOW, how lucky they made it back to the dock safely. Not sure about you, but I’d say 13 might be your lucky number ;-D
HAHAHA! I know! I had the same thoughts! I’m glad the bilge pump was working properly too!
Oh my goodness that sounds like quite the terrible day. I’m glad all worked out in the end, but sheesh!
Also, the scenery at that lake is AMAZING! 🙂
I totally forgot it was Friday the 13th. Thus I had an uneventful day!