I’m going to start with the good news since it’s more than just good, IT’S GREAT!! To get right to the point, my brother Court {the person that my baby Creed Courtney is named after} is one of the most amazing people I have in my life. AND, I got to help him PROPOSE to his beautiful girlfriend a few weeks ago. I didn’t want to post about the proposal until they had told all of their friends and family themselves, so I gave it a few weeks! BUT, I have to say that it was one of the coolest proposals I have EVER seen!!
AND I GOT TO SEE IT ALL! 🙂 Look how cute they are!!! If you look closely at the picture below, you will see “Carrie, will you marry me??” in a field below. Court and Carrie were in a helicopter on a fun helicopter tour in Northern Utah, and as the pilot got closer and closer, Carrie figured out what the message said below! I wish I could have heard her reaction, because Court said it was priceless. As soon as she figured out it was for her, Court whipped out the ring and popped the question. AAAAAHHHHHH, isn’t that the cutest thing you have ever heard!?!?
Rewind 1 day. We had a few challenges. #1: We needed power, #2: We needed a big enough spot in the helicopter flight path to set up our boards, #3: The helicopter could not wait until it was completely dark before flying overhead because of the logistics of the tour, so the lights needed to be BRIGHT enough for them to see at dusk. #4: The words needed to be BIG because she needed to be able to read them from FAR above the ground. #5: We had to have enough lights to make these bad boys, BUT there was absolutely no idea how to know how many lights to buy.
The entire family {well those that were available at the time!} helped.Everyone else was there in spirit. We bought the most inexpensive ply wood available at Lowes, and I painted it black We painted it black to help the lights look as BRIGHT as possible from above. Then my Mom wrote the words onto the boards with chalk to mark where the lights needed to go.

After we had our system down, we started an assembly line. My sister Natalie was a rock star and so was Dad and my 12 year old nephew Bracken! We were on a roll! {Not to mention it was 2:00 in the morning!!}

The end result was absolutely perfection! Here they are standing up in my parent’s garage!!

BUT, we weren’t out of deep water yet. My parents live in Central Utah, and these bad boys needed to be in Northern Utah by 4:00 the next day. So, we loaded the bad boys into my van oh-so-carefully! We even put blankets in between them and crossed our fingers that when we got there all the lights would work!
On our way, we stopped by my in-law’s house and borrowed their rolling gas powered generator! {Thanks guys for letting us borrow it!} Then we went to the specified park and began setting up the boards.
When we started unloading the boards, we found broken bulbs LIKE CRAZY. I was freaking out. I’m not one of those “calm” people in a crisis either. I start yelling at people. Ha ha. But, my little brother Eric had “MAGIC” fingers and was able to find the trouble areas in a Jiffy. Then we plugged in the bad boys and started the generator…SUCCESS!!! They all worked perfectly. We had some guardian angels helping us that day.

Oh, and the bad news!?!? I won’t be going to SNAP after all. The wedding is April 20th in Mesa Arizona, and I wouldn’t miss it in a million years. BUT, I know that SNAP is going to be awesome with or without me. 🙂 If you are thinking about going, you should. There is absolutely no question. GO to SNAP. You won’t regret it.
What an awesome story. I loved reading this. Congrats to your brother and his beautiful fiancee. I laughed when I read the part about you stressing and yelling at everyone. I hardly ever stress but when I do, I do the exact same thing. I'll bet it was a lot of fun being a part of this. A story that will be past down for generations 🙂
Congratulations to your Brother and his Fiancee. What an aweosme story!
Wow, that was a great story to read. Put a smile on my face. Your family is great and lucky to be able to share in the beginning of your brother and soon to be sister in laws new life together. Congrats to your brother and his fiancee.
How cute is that?!? The CUTEST!! Congrats to Court! Great stuff Brooke!
That is so cute! I love how the whole family helped out….so great! Congrats to your brother!
I'm such a softy. Your story literally brought a tear to my eye. Congratulations to them both. Amazing story, thanks for sharing.
Cutest proposal EVER! I just love it!
I am crying like a big, leaky baby!
I wish your brother and his fiance a beautiful, BRIGHT, life together!
What an amazing story! That was so nice of you all to help out like that.
Such an awesome family story!!! Congratulations!
awww how cute! i thought stuff like that didnt happen in real life…
that's so cute!! I love it!!! 🙂
Carrie is an amazing girl! I've known her since forever. So excited for her and for your family. She'll be a great addition! And I loved all the photos! I saw hers on FB but seein your behind the scenes was super fun!
Oh my gosh! First of all, what a freakin' AWESOME proposal idea!! Second, I'm so happy for Courtney, she's beautiful (!!) and they look super cute together. Tell him congrats for me…and third, holy crap that can't be your little brother Eric!?!? I think that makes me really old 🙂 haha. Your family is adorable and I love that you all worked together on this. Very Cute. And how exciting for you guys!!!
oh how fun! and a great memory for all!
That is seriously so cool! Leave it to you to figure out how to pull it off!! Congrats to the happy couple! 🙂
Loved this story! Such a sweet way to say welcome to the family! Wishing the couple much happiness.
Love this. Its would be great if i can post this story on my site.
That's pretty fantastic! Wow, what a sister, and I laughed out loud at the part that you were freaking out and "not a calm person" when something goes wrong. What a good sis you are. It's fun that I've seen Court in action in the hangout, now I need to search around for wedding pics on here b/c his wife is gorg (love her yellow jacket) though I can't see a great pic of her here. Good reason to miss snap, but so glad our fates collided at EVO:)