#1: Zombie Pumpkins
Zombie Pumpkins is an awesome website that we get a lot of our patterns from. These patterns are impressive and pretty easy because they are all cut-through patterns. You don’t need special carving tools for shading for all of these pumpkins. Just the plain ‘ol pumpkin carving tools kit from Wal-Mart will be perfect. There is a membership fee for Zombie Pumpkins, but it is worth every penny. I love that Zombie pumpkins has a ton of TV and movie patterns along with kids patterns for the whole family.
#2 JP Jammin Pumpkins
JP gets an e-mail from us every year because we want access to his amazing Ghost Rider pumpkin pattern that we start on fire every year plus we can’t live without his intense Spiderman carving pattern. For returning members he gives a “bonus” pattern section that is amazing. JP also has a ton of kid favorites in his pattern archives.
#3 Pumpkin Pile
Pumpkin pile has hundreds of FREE pumpkin patterns that are EASY with all sorts of categories for every liking.
#4 Pumpkin Glow
Pumpkin Glow is a favorite site of ours and we have carved lots of his patterns in the past. His patterns are FREE and are great for those that don’t want to pay a membership fee. I love the John Wayne pattern the most, but we didn’t carve it this year.
WOO Jr has some fun and easy Princess patterns that are bound to make any girl happy. These patterns are FREE too!
#6 Spookmaster
Spook master has some easy patterns for the beginning carver and are all FREE. This site is great for traditional Halloween patterns and sports teams.
#7 The Pumpkin Lady
#8 StoneyKins
Stoneykins is my personal favorite site for pumpkin carving patterns. He has some amazing cut through patterns, but he also has harder more intense patterns for more extreme and advanced carvers. This dude is mega-talented and his patterns are always a crowd favorite at our pumpkin display. Stoney’s patterns aren’t for the inexperienced carver though. You need to have rockin’ skills to do his patterns justice. Stoney has several different levels of carvings, and you can find cut-through patterns on his site too. He has a free section, but the coolest patterns cost a few dollars. In order to download the patterns on Stoney’s site you need to purchase pattern credits and then you can choose which ones you want to get. The most impressive patterns involve intricate shading and the people always LOVE the results.
#9 Ultimate Pumpkin Stencils
#10 Pumpkin Stencils dot Org
Thank you for such a wonderful writeup! I do pride myself on the diversity of designs and Extreme patterns.
Jammin Pumpkins will be relaunching for 2013 shortly, co come by and see what’s new!
(Yes, really!)
wow! it’s great!
There is another site I wanted to add to your list. It has some awesome pumpkin patterns as well it is found at :http://pumpkincraze.com/