Well, well, well, WELCOME to our Friday ritual where you get to see some fun furniture transformations, occasional retail wish lists, and maybe even some WIERD furniture every so often to keep us entertained and on our toes. Today is going to be short and to the point.
Whenever I need a break, I tend to go thrift shopping. I know, relaxing and thrift shopping in a RELATED sentence? Yeppity yep. That’s the way I roll. I enjoy it. I stroll along with the kids as they ask me every two seconds, “MOM…can I have that, can I have that!” No, I’m kidding. THAT part isn’t what I particularly enjoy about thrift shopping, but I do enjoy the PRICES. I know that some of you may disagree with me, because it will depend on your area, but I scored an amazing deal this week. I consider myself a treasure hunter and every so often, I HIT GOLD {which is harder and harder to do these days}. The stars aligned the other day and I picked up this beauty! It may not be so “freakin’ fabulous” yet, but don’t you worry my little pretty, it is going to be fab-a-dab-dabulous.
She may be dirty and dingy now, but all she needs is a little love and elbow grease. Stay tuned. Look at her fun curvy legs.

It makes me want to get my PAINTING clothes on! 🙂 If you need some help on refinishing furniture, check out my tutorials, tips, and tricks from my past tutorials:

Maybe yet today, when my first transformation is complete I too will be addicted. But so far I still hate painting.
OMG I love yout table…even when it is do dirty it is pretty I cant wait to see the after pictures…and yes you are right it depends on the area here salvation army are selling an IKEA table for 30$ when you can find it new at IKEA for 19.99$ ??? crazy ha
Looking forward to the reveal on this lovely table and chairs!
I have been following you for a while and love to see your inspiration, projects and everything! This week I've been considering refinishing my dining table and I just wasn't sure until now– would you believe I have the exact same table and 6 very similar chairs?? I scored last year for $75 on Craigslist with the buffet and hutch 🙂
Giddy waiting to see what you do with this set!
I like your new table:) I is a lot like mine that I recently painted white and did the chair cushions with a cow print lol fun. I enjoy seeing what you come up with and love your blog.
That is a great looking table. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it!
I did a table transformation on my kitchen table a while back and it's the best thing I ever did. It's really amazing how painting something will give it new life and really make a room.
Have fun painting!!
I was just given to almost identical table and chairs right before Christmas (even scored the leaf).I've been plotting plans for it since…kinda nervous because the finish in such nice shape but but whites and blues are calling my name. I can't to see what you do with your table…maybe it will kick my ideas into action.
Awesome table! I absolutely LOVE thrift stores, to the point that hubby teases me that I will soon be featured on that show "Horders." haha. I go twice a week because my thrift store features 25% off days. I just bought an awesome vintage dining room sideboard/buffet server for $40, then paid $30 to have it hauled home. I listed it on Craigslist and someone offered me $180 for it. HOly cow! I fell in love with it so I decided to keep it. Anyhow, check out my blog to see a pic of it. I am considering robins egg blue! 🙂
I can't wait to see refurb on this!