It’s not often I get to write a post on Valentine’s Day, so I thought I’d celebrate by sharing some of my favorite furniture makeovers in Valentine colors, as well as a few tips for picking the perfect color for your furniture makeovers every time (even if it’s not pink!)
Dani from @Danisvintagedesigns is the queen of pink furniture makeovers, and she’s a master when it comes to choosing the perfect color…like this sweet cranberry dresser:

Dani’s color inspiration-board approach is brilliant, and it’s my go-to method for choosing the perfect color. Instead of curating photos of pieces painted in the color you think you want, create an inspiration board (or an album on your phone) filled with just about everything BUT painted furniture. Think flowers, cool doors on old building, food, pillows, etc.

Since you can create your own chalk paint in any color under the sun with BB Frösch Chalk Paint Powder, why not branch out and get inspired by the world around you, then match that?
Behr has a free Color Smart app that is perfect for when you are out and about and see the perfect color. You simply snap a photo of the item, then tap your screen on the color you are after, and the app tells you the Behr color that is the closest match.
The only thing to keep in mind is that lighting may play a factor in how true the color is, so I recommend natural light for best color-matching results.
Note: This post is not sponsored by Behr, I just think it’s a pretty useful app for furniture painters.
Another option for getting the perfect color is to take an item that is the exact color you want to Home Depot and have them color match it. Their computer is pretty accurate at formulating colors—I’ve taken in swatches of fabric, pillow covers, a leather purse, a paint chip, and more!
This dusty pink inspiration board is one of my favorites:

The best thing about making your own chalk paint with BB Frösch, besides how totally affordable it is, is that you truly can have absolutely ANY COLOR you want! The powder doesn’t alter the color of your paint at all, so that means if you want rich and vibrant pink or red, you can have it! And, since Valentine color inspiration wouldn’t be complete without red…

If Valentine colors aren’t your thing, try this with the colors that ARE your thing. The color that does it for me is navy, so I’ll sneak one last inspiration board into this post…

Find more affordable chalk paint inspiration at Follow BB Frösch on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.