My sister Adrian gave me this delicious recipe. Thanks sis! Sometimes I forget about a recipe until a friend asks for the details. Two of my friends called me last week for this recipe. It is sooo good and super easy.
All you need for this yummy recipe is:
1 small tub of feta {I like the feta that is already crumbled}
1-2 vine-ripened tomatoes diced {Must be vine-ripened in my opinion this makes or breaks the flavor of the dish}
1 bunch of green onions sliced
about 1/4 cup of olive oil {more or less depending on how oily you want it}
and about 1 tsp Cavender’s Greek Seasoning {more or less depending how strong you want the flavor} <—- It is super good. I found mine at Wal-Mart.
Mix and enjoy on small slices of baguette, tortilla chips, pita chips…etc.
Your crowds will be in awe at the deliciousness!
Don’t forget any All Things Delicious Recipe shared by me is a tried and true recipe that I SWEAR by! I wouldn’t share it if it didn’t meet the cut!
All my fav ingredients – love the idea